doua personaje mult iubite si admirate de mine pentru talentul lor deosebit, au plecat pe lumea cealalta.
marele pictor Lucien Freud, la 88 de ani,
si..., tulburatoarea, dar mult tulburata Amy Winehouse, la doar 27.
Sint convinsa ca se vor intilni dincolO, amindoi fiind sortiti aceluiasi loc, banuiesc.
Sper ca maestrul s-o picteze, iar Cel de Sus sa aibe bunavointa sa faca ce-o sti, ca picturile sa ajunga pe lumea asta.
Versurile lui John Updike, dedicate lui Lucian Freud:
Yes, the body is a hideous thing,
the feet and genitals especially,
the human face not far behind. Blue veins
make snakes on the backs of hands, and mar
the marbled glassy massiveness of thighs.
Such clotted weight’s worth seeing after centuries
(Pygmalion to Canova) of the nude
as spirit’s outer form, a white flame: Psyche.
How wonderfully St. Gaudens’ slim Diana
stands balanced on one foot, in air, moon-cool,
forever! But no, flesh drags us down,
its mottled earth the painter’s avid ground,
earth innocently ugly, sound asleep,
poor nakedness, sunk angel, sack of phlegm.
Ati vazut documentarul asta despre Amy Winehouse: Pe mine m-a impresionat...