Inca o carte despre WWII ...
Fateful Choices:
Ten Decisions That Changed the World, 1940-1941
by Ian Kershaw
in care se pune intrebarea:
Oare deznodamintul acestui razboi, care a izbucnit datorita conditiilor istorico-social-politico-economice, etc and whatever ...,
sa se fi datorat superioritatii tactico-strategice ale fortelor armate ale Aliatilor, miscarii de rezistenta, bisericii, nationalismului, patriotismului ...? sau
a fost rezultatul unor coincidente si accidente, a unor pasi grabiti de balet lipsit de coreograf, executati de citeva personaje dominate de viziuni nebunatice si nedemonstrabile, dar care,
prin incapatinarea lor, prin carisma lor sau lipsa ei, au reusit sa-si impuna deciziile ?
Autorul alege varianta dansului accidental si confera rolul primei balerine, lui Churchill !!
"In view of all this, we must return to the underlying premise so eloquently propounded by Kershaw: that the major events of World War II were the work of individuals.Adica, cu cu alte cuvinte... Read More...
In August 1939, Hitler and Stalin agreed to smash Poland and to re-divide Eastern Europe, yet no more than a handful of assistants had advance knowledge of all this.
Without Churchill's eloquence and dynamism, the war against Nazism would have come to an end nearly as soon as it started.
Hitler and Hitler alone decided to invade the Soviet Union. Roosevelt and his trusted associates prepared the United States for war. And it was only when the emperor of Japan nodded his head that a mighty Japanese fleet, loaded with attack aircraft, sailed for Hawaii.[...]
And so events took their inexorable course. This led to victory for the Western democracies, but it led to victory, too, for Stalin's tyrannical empire." (Recomand recenzia acestei carti, scrisa de Istvan Deak , un admirabil jurnalist si un excelent profesor in astfel de subiecte. De multe ori analize si recenzii mult mai satisfacatoare decit cartile analizate ...)
Convingere ferma si profunda a lui Churchill ca nazismul ar fi fost un mai mare dusman pentru Anglia decit comunismul, a reusit sa rastoarne pozitia majoritara a cabinetului de a negocia cu Hitler prin intermediul lui Mussolini (Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax ...) "Without the London government's resolve not to negotiate with the Nazis, the European struggle might have ended then and there. All other decisions would have become superfluous, or would at least have been very different ..."
Din cauza celor de mai sus, cica ar fi decis Hitler atacul asupra URSS, ... o miscare nu prea bine gindita. Hitler (care cucerise Polonia, Franta ...) a fost totalmente buimacit de pozitia Londrei,
asa ca s-a gindit ca daca ii va anihila si pe rusi (o miscare pentru care nu era pregatit, insa care i se parea "floare la ureche")..., poate ca Anglia se va lasa impresionata ...
Taman atunci Japonezii, cu urechea la Emperor, incercind sa-i interpreteze versetele, au hotarit sa-si mute fortele armate din nordul tarii, inspre sud ..., lasind nordul la indemina rusilor ...,
in timp ce ...
Mussolini a decis sa atace Franta, sa-i bata pe englezi in Egipt, dupa care sa invadeze Grecia ...
"What passed [in Rome] for dictatorial decisiveness was in reality the merest veneer of half-baked assumptions, superficial observations, amateurish judgment, and wholly uncritical assessment."
Italienii ca aliati au creat mai multe probleme nemtilor ..., decit inamicii oficiali (ca Franta).
Si Stalin a fost totalmente luat prin surpriza de atacul nepregatit al nemtilor, ... el se gindise sa se razboiasca cu ei, dar ceva mai incolo (peste un an macar), cind echipamentul armatei ar fi iesit din "fabrica" ... Plus ca isi omorise cu putin inainte, mare parte din elita lui militara, si tot asa ...
dar mai cititi si voi ...
Feb 21, 2012
10 pasi de dans macabru (lipsit de coreograf), dar cu prima-balerina ...
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Iata si acei 10 pasi de dans macabru:
ReplyDeleteStep 1:
May 1940. The British War Cabinet, driven by Churchill, agrees to fight on after the German blitzkrieg defeat of France, despite loud calls for negotiated settlement.
Step 2:
Hitler decides to attack the Soviet Union.
Step 3:
Japan decides to seize the Golden Opportunity and turn south, going after the colonial empires of the countries that have fallen to Hitler.
Step 4:
Mussolini decides to join the war on Hitler's side to grab a share of the spoils.
Step 5:
Roosevelt decides to lend a helping hand to England.
Step 6:
Stalin decides he knows best and ignores all the clear signals that Germany is going to invade.
Step 7:
Roosevelt decides to wage undeclared war.
Step 8:
Japan decides to go to war against the United States.
Step 9:
Hitler decides to declare war on the USA.
Step 10:
Hitler decides to kill the Jews