I found it and I named it, being versed
in taxonomic Latin; thus became
godfather to an insect and its first
describer -- and I want no other fame.
Desi in viata de toate zilele as fi avut grija sa pastrez o distanta care sa ma fereasca de prezenta fizica a lui Nabokov (adica m-as fi ferit de el ca de dracu`), admiratia mea pentru acest personaj nu are limita ...
Evident ca m-am bucurat ca finally "Nabokov Theory on Butterfly Evolution Is Vindicated"
Few professional lepidopterists took these ideas seriously during Nabokov’s lifetime. But in the years since his death in 1977, his scientific reputation has grown. And over the past 10 years, a team of scientists has been applying gene-sequencing technology to his hypothesis about how Polyommatus blues evolved. On Tuesday in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, they reported that Nabokov was absolutely right.Eu l-am crezut atunci cind a sustinut ca felul subtil, sublim, satyr, in care ne-a prezentat el pe efemerismul nymphetei Lolita, nu avea nici o iota de pedophilie (cum a fost acuzat de obtuzimea burgheza),
ci era o translatare a studiului si observatiilor sale pasionale asupra acelei specii de un paradox unic, desemnata in toate limbile lumii prin cuvinte cu rezonanta frematatoare care sa sugereze zbaterea aripilor lor pudrate in culori altminteri de nedescris, "fluture", "farfala", butterfly", "papillon", "бабочкa"...
Ramine deci speranta ca si teoria mea legata de fluturi, sa fie cindva adeverita stiintific,
si anume ca Omul s-ar fi format din incrucisarea cimpanzeului cu fluturele ...
Si in teoria mea este vorba de un fluturas albastru.
PS. am mai descoperit si alte afinitati cu maestrul:
Si eu am evitat sa invat limba germana;
Si eu am aceeasi malformatie: Nu gindesc in cuvinte (chiar m-am certat cu multi prieteni pe aceasta tema)!
Mare mi-a fost placerea sa citesc cele de mai jos:
I don't think in any language. I think in images. I don't believe that people think in languages. They don't move their lips when they think. It is only a certain type of illiterate person who moves his lips as he reads or ruminates. No, I think in images, and now and then a Russian phrase or an English phrase will form with the foam of the brainwave, but that’s about all.
(From a BBC Interview, 1962)
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